Ashley Burton (27)

What is the Metaverse?

Last year, when Mark Zuckerberg announced the rebranding of Facebook's to Meta and the change of focus to "The Metaverse" there was mixed reaction but it certainly caused a stir in the technology industry. Whether you like him or not, Mark Zuckerberg is a smart…

Feitian AllInPass Biometric Bluetooth Security Key Review

I'm a big fan of hardware security keys and using them to strengthen authentication, I've been a long term user of Yubikey and a recent convert to Nitrokey but a new player, Feitian, has come to market with a really interesting product range. I first…

COVID: Reviewing the Patient Experience

TL/DR: I contacted COVID. Here I describe what it was like using the government services as a patient, what went well and what didn't. After the best part of two years in and out of lockdowns where my family and I were very careful,…

How to migrate from WordPress to a Static Blog on Amazon S3, Google Cloud or Azure

I've been blogging for over 20 years and for much of that time I've been a WordPress user, it's one of the simplest and most flexible CMS platforms there is, and it's accessible to everyone. I love WordPress specifically because it's easy to use, produces…

How to get the practical technology experience that employers want on your own.

Having moved around the IT and technology realm over the last few decades, one common challenge I've seen people face is how to get started with a particular technology and gain the experience that employers typically seek, especially those at the beginning of their…