Hackers in your House

As part of Cybersecurity Awareness Month every Saturday I’ll be sharing links to videos, presentations, etc. that show interesting, surprising and entertaining content. First I covered Hackers on a Plane, then Hackers in Space, and now we're looking closer to home. Literally. Today’s theme…

By Ashley Burton

Hackers in Space

As part of Cybersecurity Awareness Month every Saturday I’ll be sharing links to videos, presentations, etc. that show interesting, surprising and entertaining content. Today’s theme is how to hack a satellite. At the recent DEF CON Safe Mode conference there was a Hack-a-Sat "Capture…

By Ashley Burton

Who are OWASP?

As part of Cybersecurity Awareness Month I'll be highlighting organisations and businesses that contribute to Cybersecurity, today it's OWASP. Developing software is easy to start, there's loads of great resources out there to learn. Becoming proficient takes time and experience but it's within the…

By Ashley Burton

Cybersecurity Gift Ideas for 2021 Holiday Season

Holiday season is coming up fast, but what could you buy for that special person in your life to keep them safe and improve their security? Well, the following ideas can help everyone, from regular folk to die-hard cybersecurity geeks. There's a ton of…

By Ashley Burton

Hackers on a Plane

As part of Cybersecurity Awareness Month every Saturday I'll be sharing links to videos, presentations, etc. that show interesting, surprising and entertaining content. Today's theme is aviation security. At the recent DEF CON Safe Mode conference there was an 'Aerospace Village' where hackers explored…

By Ashley Burton